Getting ready to sell your house? In this post, we discuss the key tasks to check off your list before selling your home.
Time to get ready for spring cleaning!
Spring is upon us! That means it’s time for spring cleaning. Many of us dread this annual job, but it comes with the responsibility of homeownership. However, there are some things you can do to make the process a bit easier. Here’s how you can prepare for spring cleaning this year!
Get organized
Organization is key for any big project! You can think of spring cleaning as just another large task to complete. Odds are you like to be organized when you start new projects, so you can work most efficiently. The same is true for spring cleaning. We recommend taking a few steps before you begin cleaning to ensure you have everything you need. First, make a checklist of all the spots you have to target. This should include every room, pantry, closet, and cupboard in your home. Writing them down can help you remember what still needs to be done as you move through your house. You should also take inventory of your current cleaning supplies. You will burn through a lot of these on cleaning day, so make sure you have enough of what you need! This includes dusters, disinfectants, glass spray, mops, bathroom cleaner, and whatever else you like to use when cleaning. It’s better to stock up now than run out of supplies in the middle of your cleaning.
Go room by room
Spring cleaning can be overwhelming, especially if you have a larger house. It’s best to go room by room so you don’t feel as stressed out. This is very much like how we often break up big work or school projects into smaller and more manageable chunks. When we try to take on the entire project at once, we tend to feel overwhelmed, and often do a poorer job. Take your time as you work through each room and all the areas within it. This also helps ensure you hit every spot you need to clean and don’t skip over anything by accident. Ultimately, you will be more efficient, and will probably end up finishing your cleaning more quickly.
Remember those spots that are easy to miss
When we perform our everyday cleaning tasks, we usually follow a routine that covers the basic spots in our home. We clean our bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and living rooms, often dusting, disinfecting, and vacuuming. However, we normally don’t clean every nook and cranny, and that’s okay! That’s what spring cleaning time is for. Some spots to target include inside your fridge and freezer, your microwave, clothes drawers, lampshades, and the cupboards under your bathroom sink. You can also take this time to wash items such as curtains, bedskirts, and pillow protectors, which you probably don’t put in the laundry too often. It’s definitely a tiring day when spring cleaning rolls around, but the results are well worth the effort.
Spread it out
Finally, remember that you don’t have to complete your entire clean in one day! As we already mentioned, this can be an overwhelming job, and you might find yourself exhausted after tackling a few rooms. You can break up your cleaning into a few sessions if it’s easier for you. Otherwise, you might find yourself running out of steam and doing a half-hearted job as you work through your home. It’s far better to take your time and feel satisfied that you have done a thorough job.
Spring cleaning is an unavoidable part of homeownership. Whether you own or rent, it’s important to take on this task! Plus, it will likely give you a sense of accomplishment once you have completed your cleaning. Then, you can sit back and enjoy the spring and summer seasons!
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