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It’s that time of year again…

That time of year where (for those with kids) the house get’s a little bit quieter. Now what do you do? For some of you it’s time to head back to work after vacation, for others it’s time to take a break, and for the rest it’s no change at all. We thought it was a good idea to come up with a contest to help you relax just a little bit longer, on your own terms…

You deserve a break!

We’re giving away, well…, it’s actually up to you! Whether you’re single and looking for a me day or want to plan one of those overdue date nights and escape to a hotel for a night cap, we want to help you make it happen. All you have to do is fill out the form below and tell us what your ideal break looks like! We’ve come up with a few ideas of our own below!

P.S. I heard that I could earn up to 3 extra entries by sharing this giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Done, Giddy Up!

Unfortunately, we have a little bit of fine print, but you knew that right?
Please view all of the contest rules and regulations here .